Legal Notice


S14 Capital is a limited liability company with offices located 10 impasse Grassi in Aix-en-Provence. S14 Capital is registered at the RCS of Aix-en-Provence (n°877/896/605) and is authorized and regulated by the Autorité des Marchés Financiers (“AMF”) in France with reference no. GP-19000041 delivered on November 4th, 2019.

AMF, 17 Place de la Bourse – 75082 Paris Cedex 02

Autorité des marchés financiers : protection de l’épargne, information des investisseurs, fonctionnement des marchés financiers | AMF (

The website, created by Dizio Lab and hosted by Gandi, has a purely informational purpose. Nothing herein is intended to be, or shall be construed as, an offer or a solicitation to sell, buy or invest in any investment product, or to provide anykind of advice or service. You should not invest in financial products unless satisfied that they are suitable for you.


By filling the forms on pages Contact and Careers, some personal information are collected. The user provides this information freely and in full knowledge. In accordance with the data-processing law and freedoms of January 6, 1978, the customer has a right of access, correction and opposition to his personal data. None of the site user’s personal information is collected or published without the user’s knowledge, nor is it sold in any form whatsoever to third parties. Any potential user of this site is advised to seek information about legal restrictions that may apply to him, to comply with them and to consult his own financial, legal and tax advisers.


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